Human resource is the most significant and precious asset of any organization, which is essential for healthy operation of all other resources of the organisation. So, when human resource is satisfied in terms of their jobs, then only productivity level goes up. The sound work environment is important to create the social relation at workplace and also maintain the relationship between colleague, supervisor and the organisation. It describes the relationship in which employees are working together. Without healthy environment in an organization employees are not happy and satisfied. A satisfied, happy and hardworking employee is biggest asset of any organisation. Effective results & productivity for any organisation is depend on the level of satisfaction of employees and work environment in which he or she is working. The work environment is one of the most important factors which influence the satisfaction & motivation level of employees. Efficient human resource management and maintain good work environment or culture effects not only the performance of employee & organisation but also affects the growth & development of entire economy. This research paper is an attempt to study the work environment & its effect on job satisfaction in the cooperative sugar factories. This study is conducted in Maharashtra.
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