- » Focus and Scope
- » Section Policies
- » Peer Review Process
- » Publication Frequency
- » Open Access Policy
- » Review Fees
- » FAQ's
- » Offline Submission
Focus and Scope
It is monthly online Peer Reviewed and refereed journal published by Sai Om Publications, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The journal publishes original research and includes issues related on various facets of Commerce and Management like Trade, Transport, Marketing, Finance, Human Recourse, Supply Chain Management etc. Submissions are anonymously peer-reviewed. It aims to integrate the practices of the professional world with the knowledge creation in the relevant academic arena and to ensure speedy dissemination of such research-outcome among the stakeholders. The journal welcomes original articles, reviews of books, professional news, interviews of eminent personalities in academia/corporate etc. relevant to the focus of the journal.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
- Sai Om Journal of Commerce & Management: a peer reviewed national journal follows a ‘double blind’ review process. All papers submitted go through a preliminary review (only in terms of format/guidelines and not contents) and those considered appropriate and on the recommendation of the Editor, the article may be rejected or assigned to two referees. Reports of reviewers, involved in the blind review process, would play a key role in such decision making.
- The Editor reserves the right to accept or refuse an article for publication, without assigning any reasons.
- Manuscripts not accepted for publication will not be sent back to authors. Authors whose papers are accepted or rejected will be informed by email only.
- In case of acceptance/rejection/ comments & of reviewer/s will not be disclosed to author/s or to any third party involved/not involved in the process.
- Correspondence will be done only with the principal author
- The referees shall treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before or after publication. The editor evaluates the recommendation and notifies the author of the manuscript status.
- The editor sees each manuscript through the evaluation process; from pre-review or screening to full double blind review. When necessary and feasible, the editor would engage external reviewers, again in a blinded condition.
- The editor, and not the reviewer, makes the final decision to accept or reject a submission.
- For the peer review process, the editor may engage one, two, or three persons to review a manuscript, guided by a number of factors, including: whether a sufficient pool of reviewers is available; whether a particular reviewer is a noted expert whose single opinion is sufficient to base decision on; and whether the manuscript submitted has a quality that requires that more than one or two reviewers are needed for a fair decision.
- The editor may identify potential reviewers for a manuscript on the basis of personal knowledge of the topic or from among the authors of references in the manuscript, or on the basis of author suggestion.
- The editor must ensure that manuscripts are masked: that the identity of the authors is not known to the reviewers nor reviewers' identity known to authors during the review process.
- If a reviewer does not complete a review on a timely basis, the editor will proceed with evaluation of the manuscript. S/he can make a decision to accept or reject the manuscript based on the comments and recommendations of another reviewer(s) or his/her own evaluation of the manuscript, or by seeking additional review.
- Revised manuscripts will be evaluated by editors to determine if the revisions are satisfactory, and will not be automatically returned to reviewers. Revised manuscripts will not be sent to new reviewers.
- It is a responsibility of the author/s and not an editor or reviewers to check plagiarism. Any work received from author/s is assumed to be original and further confirmed when accordingly author gives undertaking at the point of submission of paper to the journal. It is neither editor nor reviewer/s or publication/journal is responsible for any such issues relating to plagiarism.
- The peer reviewers/editor is expected to read the paper for scientific merit, not a background check we leave it exclusively to author/s. Here we operate under the assumption of original writings. Still we are of an opinion that if Author/s found to have plagiarised the work of another and detected after publicationthen are subject to having their paper removed/retracted if requested by original author/s with necessary proofs.
- The editor must ensure that s/he has no personal, professional or financial involvement in any of the issues that comes under his/her judgment.
- All disputes are in jurisdiction of Mumbai.
Publication Frequency
Submission deadline: NO SUBMISSION DEADLINE.
Notification: 1 week of submission
Publication date: We use Open Journal System. Paper is published all round the month.
Frequency of publication: Monthly
All disputes are in jurisdiction of Mumbai.
Open Access Policy
Sai Om Journal of Commerce & Management: a peer reviewed national journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Anyone can immediately access all full text content and download the reprints.
Review Fees
Author will be requested to pay Registration and Review fees once paper is submitted to us for publication. Manuscripts are Reviewed and Published only after Successful review. We will send you the details of the payment options after receiving manuscript for publication. Registration and Review fees once paid will not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances. We conduct this activity as NGO & amount collected is not retained by us. All disputes are in jurisdiction of Mumbai.
Fees will be charged for:
- Principal Author
- Co-authors (Each)
Extra fees will be charged for:
- Reviewers report in our format
- Reviewers report / any other certificate in any other format
- Reviewers report / any other certificate will be signed by editor and no names, contact details of the reviewers will be disclosed under any circumstances
- Any kind of modification after the acceptance of manuscript
- Authors will be charged extra for more than 10 tables & figures & graphs together in manuscript.
- There is restriction on the length of research paper. Authors will be charged extra for more than 5000 words in manuscript including abstract, tables/figures/graphs, reference / bibliography.
Q.1. Whether Sai Om Journal of Commerce & Management: a peer reviewed national journal will acknowledge the manuscript emailed for publication?
Ans: Yes, we acknowledge manuscript through email within 24 hours of the receipt.
Q.2.: How much time the journal takes while responding any query/ e-mail?
Ans : The period of our response generally varies from a minute to 48 hours, depending on the nature of query raised in the email.
Q.3. : How much time the journal takes to review a manuscript?
Ans : It depends on a number of articles we receive in a month for given discipline and review process. The review period varies from paper to paper but we intimate acceptance/acceptance with modification/rejection to the author's concerned on the same day of the receipt of the review report. You can also see this process in “Track Your Article” menu bar of our website.
Q.4. : Whether the journal issue publication certificate?
Ans : Yes, The consolidated publication certificate will be emailed to all authors on necessary payment of fees.
Q.6. : Whether author is required to submit the Abstract first and then the full manuscript?
Ans : Full paper is to be send at initial stage only.
Q.7. : What is the policy of journal towards the publication of accepted manuscripts?
Ans : We place the manuscripts in the publication list for publication on first come first publish basis after completion of all the formalities by the author concerned.
Q.8. : Whether anybody can get his/her accepted manuscript published immediately?
Ans : Generally we place the manuscripts in the publication list for publication on first come first publish basis, however in case of extraordinary circumstances, where the matter of great urgency is involved, a manuscript can be scheduled for immediate publication on the payment of additional fee along with the request letter containing the reasons for the same.
Q.9. : Is there any fee for submission of Research paper/Material?
Ans : No, Author can submit it free of cost.
Q.10: What is processing and review fees?
Ans: Cost of registration, peer reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving articles etc. Fees are charged from every Author & each co-author.Q.11. : Is the Journal published at regular Intervals?
Ans : Yes. It is published every month. Sometimes combine/special issues may be published.
Q.12. : Whom should I direct my inquiry?
Ans : Please direct your enquiry to editor.
Q13: Is Journal an online journal or a print or both?
A: It is only online journal.
Q14: How does the review process work?
A: The review of articles is done through double blind peer reviews. Only the articles which are recommended by eminent and experienced reviewers are published.
Q15: Can advertisement be done on journal website?
A: Yes, It is possible ,you may inquire to editor.
Q16. Could you send information for acceptance?
A: Yes. You would receive a information for acceptance from the Editors of the journal once your paper has been accepted.
Q17. Do you make any changes to article after it is accepted?
A: All papers are subject to copy-editing after acceptance to ensure that articles conform to journal style.
Q18: What is the time frame for publication journal?
A: Journal is published on a monthly basis and uploaded on first of every month.
Q19: Are journal published articles available for free?
A: Yes, all the papers published by journal are available for download for free. We support the Open Access system.
Q.20: How much do I have to pay for Registration and review fees?
A: You will be intimated once manuscript is received for publication.Q21.Do I need to create an account to submit my article using OJS?
A.Yes. You must create an account before you can submit your article. Once your account is created you can make as many submissions as you wish. OJS will track and store all your submissions and provide you with status updates for each one.
Q22.If my article has multiple authors, do all of the authors need to create an account?
A.No. Only the corresponding author needs to create an account to submit the article. You will be asked to enter details of all the authors during the submission process. Any updates will be sent to the email address of the author who submits the paper.
Q23. I have an account on OJS and my details have changed. How do I alter my details?
A.You can change and update your profile in OJS as often as you wish. Once you have logged in to OJS, click 'My Profile' on the right-hand menu to view and alter your details. Please ensure that you enter a valid, current email address as all correspondence will take place via email.
Offline Submission
The Paper/manuscript should be only in the electronic format (Microsoft Word). We do not accept hard copy.
If you face any difficulty in online submission, email soft copy of manuscript, copyright & author data to
All disputes are in jurisdiction of Mumbai.
ISSN: 2347- 7563