Subashini K, Dr. S. Duraisamy


Knowledge management comprises a range of practices used in an organization to identify, create distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge either embodied in individual or embedded in organizational process or practice. The article title is “A Study on Knowledge Management in DCW Ltd at Sahupuram, Tuticorin District”. The objectives of the study are to analyze the Knowledge Management system in DCW Ltd at Sahupuram. To analyze the organizational performance and continuous improvement. To study about the communication process in DCW Ltd, Sahupuram. To analyze whether the knowledge has been utilized effectively by the employees. To study about the skills to deal with issues both systematically and creatively. The data used for the study was taken from the primary and secondary data sources. The researcher used questionnaire and interview schedule. The researcher selected 100 samples and used descriptive method. The collected data were analyzed through using the statistical tools such as Chi square analysis, weighted average method, Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation and F- test.  There are many limitations in this study. One of the limitations was that chances of biases response. Other limitation of the study was reluctance from the respondents and busy schedule of the executives to collect.


Knowledge Management

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