Empowerment is that landscape which gives the power or authority to someone to take decision. In context of women empowerment it is a multidimensional and social process that helps them to gain control over their own lives. Empowering women is a crucial means for development which leads to the betterment of the society. Education is the potent tools in empowerment of women. It is an incredible factor that improves the status of women in society. It is not only enable women to gain knowledge about the outside world of four walls but also help her to get status in the society to develop positive self esteem and self confidence in them and develop necessary courage and strength to face the challenges in life. Women empowerment through education provides knowledge to women about different spheres of life. It helps them to fight against corruption and violence. It has been observed that educated women is more aware about the use of contraception and have fewer children. Education enhances the inborn capabilities of women and makes them independent for decision making. MAHATAMA GANDHI says, “You educate a man, you educate an individual. You educate a woman, you educate the entire family”. Hence empowering women is the only solution to all the questions. This paper focuses on the importance of education in women empowerment, causes of low literacy among women and the remedial measure for improving the literacy level of women in India. It also throws light on the special provisions made by government of India for the empowerment of women. The study highlights that the rural women are getting aware about education and they are concerned about education so that they can give better life to their children and make them empowered.
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