Aditi Chandel, S. C. Tewari


In today’s competitive marketplace several sportswear brands exists. These sportswear brands offer their products at best of prices, services and quality. In such a scenario it is becoming very difficult for consumers’ to differentiate between the products available in the same product category. Brand personality thus plays a vital role by enabling the consumers’ to evaluate the products, by making the brands more distinctive and enduring. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to identify the brand personality dimensions of Adidas sportswear brand by using Aaker’s brand personality scale. The second purpose of this study is to find out how the brand personality of Adidas sportswear brand formed. The data was collected from 300PanjabUniversity students studying in Chandigarh. In order to analyze the data, factor analysis and multiple regression techniques were applied. The results indicated that four brand personality dimensions were extracted for Adidas sportswear brand named as Competence, Sincerity, Sophistication and Excitement. The factors forming the brand personality of Adidas were Logo, User Imagery and Advertisement Style. The findings of this study will enable the marketing practitioners to better understand the personality of Adidas sportswear brand from the mind of consumers’ and better distinguish Adidas brand from their competitors.


Brand Personality Dimensions; Aaker’s Brand Personality Scale; Antecedents; Adidas

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