Lokesh Yadav


Performance appraisal is one of the elements of Human Resource Management for measuring and assessing the execution of the representatives in an association over a timeframe as against the set models. Diverse routines are utilized for assessing execution as a part of distinctive sorts of associations and 360 degrees execution examination is one of them. In spite of the fact that it is not exceptionally well known in India but rather numerous enormous associations utilize this strategy for measuring worker's execution. Through this paper, an endeavor has been made to comprehend and display the approach behind the 360 degrees execution examination and how it can be actualized in associations. Different advantages and detriments of bringing this technique into associations have likewise been recorded down. The accessible writing gives a diagram in regards to how this system is helpful for expanding the general effectiveness of the representative as an individual and the firm overall, and subsequently execution enhances and preparing and improvement prompts genuine open doors for advancement inside of the organization. Representatives are likewise persuaded and can have a positive thump on impact in ranges like client administration.


Performance Appraisal; 360 degree

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Dr. John Sullivan, “The Top 40 Problems With 360-degree Employee Feedback Processes (Part 1 of 2)”, www.ere.net, Feb 27, 2012

David Ingram, “What Are the Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback?”, Demand Media.

Niel Kokemuller, “Advantages & Disadvantages of 360 Degree Feedback”, ehow.com.

Performance Management, “The 360 Degree Feedback. Advantages, Disadvantages & Design”, Human Resource in a Nutshell, 26th October 2011.

Richard Lepsinger & Anntoinette D. Lucia, “The ART & SCIENCE of 360 Degree Feedback”, Jossey-Bass, Second Edition, 2009.

Tony Peacock, “The 360 Degree Feedback Pocket Book”, Management Pocket Books Ltd., 2007.





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