Manjeet Sharma


The face of an organization is determined by its online presence. Whether, web content or a dynamic email campaign, the structures of our digital information is the foundation of the wealth and health of our businesses. In these hard-wrought economic times, it’s all the more important to establish a voice that can rise above the fray. You might already maintain a vibrant web presence, or maybe your efforts to brand, market, and engage have only just begun. No matter where your company stands, online benchmarks offer the opportunity to ensure that you’re always moving forward.

The main objective the present research paper is to explore the online promotional strategies and methods. What are the online marketing mix and its benefits for the company? This paper covers all the different ways in which the Internet can be used to support the marketing process.Companies are spending more and more resources on internet marketing. On the whole process of internet marketing, promotion is an important stage, because you can build a web, but visitor may not come, they must know where to find you and why to look. So how to attract and keep customers become a key in the internet marketing.

Online Marketing has the capability to cut costs for selling and buying organizations. Automated functions and instant data information can cut purchasing cycle time; reduce human resources, costs and lower transaction costs for supplies. Further to costs reductions, there is increased efficiency online functions for customer services, product information, product ordering and order tracking functions are available to 24 hours a day every day of the year. These are services to different the products their compliment.


Online Marketing; Online Marketing Mix; OM Strategies; OM Methods; OM Advantages

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