Kalpana Kalita Das, Dr. Swarnalata Das


Education for peace is not a slogan or catchword that has been coined recently, but more precisely it emerged as a trend an urgent call of world community around First World War. People realised that it is only education which can help in regaining peace in the world after the catastrophe of war. Since then, various efforts have been made to bring peace through education. In 1945, the United Nations was established to save the succeeding generation from the scourge of war. The main aim of United Nations and its agencies like UNESCO was nothing but to establish peace in the world through education. Though it had not fully succeeded, still, the struggle to make peace through education continued and never stopped. But over the years, peace education is gaining more and more importance all over the world. It is mainly because of the increase in the rate of violence, terrorism, wars and conflicts in all the societies of the world. It can be noted that though there has been tremendous advances in science and technology, the dawn of the new millennium have witnessed violence, terrorism, drug abuse, war and conflicts all over the world. The negative trends in social environment have manifested in the crime level, violence, drug abuse and behavioural problem of schools and colleges. Hence imparting peace education has become an urgent need today. But for this, teachers have to have proper attitudes and awareness towards peace education. Therefore, this paper tries to examine the awareness and attitude of Primary school teachers towards peace education.


Peace Education; Attitude; Awareness; Teachers

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